Harmony S
Mar 22, 2022


I'm suspicious of university. I went and don't regret my time but I can't say that much of what I learned I've ever used. I feel like university endowed me with more "soft" skills than anything. I went for an IT related degree and in my first IT job I ended up using a totally different program and different skills that I had to learn independently. The middle class salary was still barely enough to make the minimum payments toward my student loans, as well.



Harmony S
Harmony S

Written by Harmony S

H A P P Y and you should be TOO!!! LIFE IS AMAZING πŸ‘πŸ¦πŸ¦„πŸŒΊπŸ­I write for ILLUMINATION, The Memoirist, Fuck Niches, and The Orange Journal.

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