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Intermittent Fasting Works, But it is Easy to Abuse

Harmony S
3 min readJun 23, 2022


Once you realize your hunger pangs are usually a lie, you’ll start to push the envelope with yourself to see how long you can last

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Have you ever willingly forbade food from yourself for the sake of weight loss?

Maybe you read something about autophagy, in which cells eat themselves. There’s loads of articles claiming autophagy can cure cancer, and perhaps as a last ditch effort, you tried it out. Or maybe you wanted to simply do a ‘cleanse’ of the old, dying cells in your body.

Whatever the reason is, if you’ve found your tummy grumbling after fourteen plus hours of no food, but yet you pressed on, you may be doing more harm than good.

For the record, fasting definitely works. The whole bUt yOuRe sLoWinG doWn yOuR meTabOLiSm aNd iT wiLL mAtCh hOw MucH fOoD yOuRe PuTtinG iNtO iT MakiNG yOur eFfOrtS uSelEss!!!!! is bullshit. Your body has a TDEE that it needs in order to execute functions and if you feed yourself less you’ll be dipping into fat stores and going into ketosis.

Like, duh. Consume fewer calories than your body needs and you’ll lose weight. It’s not hard. Constantly putting fuel in your body means you’re going to be burning that off and not burning off what you need to be burning off which is fat.



Harmony S
Harmony S

Written by Harmony S

H A P P Y and you should be TOO!!! LIFE IS AMAZING 👏🦝🦄🌺🍭I write for ILLUMINATION, The Memoirist, Fuck Niches, and The Orange Journal.

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