Harmony S
May 20, 2022


My body language speaks volumes and people often tell me I suck at hiding how I feel. With that being said, sometimes I don't make a big splash in public since maybe it's not my lane to take the lead in, and some POC will feel it's virtue signaling if I overdo where I stand.

But if you ask me, I'll tell you to your face. I've told white men whenever they dog-whistle anything racist that I'm not dumb and I know what they're trying to really say. I've called white women out for fetishing brown men (I am often witness to this stereotyping as a white woman who is married to a brown guy).



Harmony S

H A P P Y and you should be TOO!!! LIFE IS AMAZING 👏🦝🦄🌺🍭I write for ILLUMINATION, The Memoirist, Fuck Niches, and The Orange Journal.