So I Got Started on Redbubble Making Products..

Why do I always catch on too late? What’s the secret ingredient?

Harmony S
3 min readSep 21, 2022
From one of my products on Redbubble

So I started making Redbubble designs. I go by the name AdHoc Apparel. I think it’s cool. I started yesterday and I can quickly see designing products becoming a hobby of mine.

Before the Medium gods throw their lightning bolts down and suspend this article, I must clarify that yes, I am indeed capable of making profit from these links.

“This story includes affiliate links. I earn income from purchases through these links”.

Anyway here is my latest product design..



Harmony S
Harmony S

Written by Harmony S

H A P P Y and you should be TOO!!! LIFE IS AMAZING 👏🦝🦄🌺🍭I write for ILLUMINATION, The Memoirist, Fuck Niches, and The Orange Journal.

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