Calling all folks out there who take care to eat well, intermittently fast, and workout every now and then. Do you have that impossible layer of fat around your tummy that just won’t die and it makes you feel like ragequitting everything out of desperation and driving through McDonald's?
I think I do it all right. For the record, I can lose weight, but then it comes right back the next week. Clearly, I have commitment issues.
Although I probably should be proud of myself. At least a little bit. I used to weigh 175 pounds, back in 2016. I suffered from extreme anxiety and I figured out a little trick to get my mind off of panicking about whether I was going to die of a heart attack or if my lungs had suddenly collapsed — eat like a motherf**ker.
It worked. My brain would do all its magician stuff when I ate and I feel like the energies dedicated to causing me to panic would go toward digestion. Or something. If someone who knows a thing or to about brains and hormones can educate me about why my anxiety…